On-Demand Remote Hands
Our On-Demand Remote Hands provides a highly trained field engineer to execute a wide range of various IT infrastructure necessities. The on-demand style allows you the expertise of trained personnel at your fingertips to perform all routine and out of the ordinary tasks.
Our Service Process
Choose The Support You Need
We prioritize simplicity and clarity in our services. Begin by reviewing our service levels and inclusions, and feel free to add any additional options as needed. This provides you with the flexibility to pay only for what you need, when you need it.
Service Level Options
Same Day
Service Window: Normal business hours; 0800 to 1700 (local time) at the location where services are to be provided.
Onsite Arrival Time: Switchovr will make every reasonable effort to arrive as soon as possible. If arrival extends to the next business day, NBD rates will apply.
Next Business Day (NBD)
Service Window: Normal business hours; 0800 to 1700PM (local time) at the location where services are to be provided.
Onsite Arrival Time: The next business day after request.
Scheduled (2+Days)
Service Window: Normal business hours; 0800 to 1700 (local time) at the location where services are to be provided.
Onsite Arrival Time: A minimum of two (2) days advance notice.